The Spavens Franchise

The Spavens Franchise

Our Shop in Mold, North Wales, has been thriving for years, growing in profits year on year and frequently fully booked, especially during the school breaks. We’ve built a business with an all year round turnover, with a diverse offering with multiple revenue generators.

The Spavens franchise is a unique offering, over the years we’ve developed a winning formula for a profitable business that’s busy all year round. Spavens has a loyal customer base both local and from surrounding towns and cities that have a true connection with Spavens and it’s staff. The Spavens brand is fun and colourful and really stands out both on the high street and in the shop.

Running Spavens is both financially and emotionally rewarding with a great work life balance surrounded by happy friendly people in a vibrant busy venue.

We think it’s the Best Job EVER!!!

The Franchise Package

Spavens isn’t just a sweet shop with an ice cream parlour and somewhere to paint, these spaces and activities integrate to create a truly unique environment and experience that has taken years to perfect.

The Spavens franchise package will cost you £14,500.

For this you will get a number of things which make up the Spavens business model. Firstly you have our formula, the thing that differentiates Spavens from it’s competitors, the thing that lets you generate profit all year round from multiple revenue channels and gain loyal returning customers year on year. You have our brand, instantly recognisable with everything you need designed and ready to go. You have our support, we’ve done all the hard work so you don’t have to. We’ll tell you how to do it and how to do it properly.

What’s included in the Package

We’ve done all the hard work for you to ensure you can hit the ground running. All designs for the graphics and signage for the exterior and interior of your premises are all done and ready to print, designed by our in house artist Wendi. We’ve designed all the leaflets, vouchers, stickers and stationery you’ll need to get started. We’ve prepared advertising and graphics templates and will give you a helping hand with printers, social media and setting up of your website.

Our Operating Manuals with how to manage your Spavens day to day. We’ll be there with ten days operational training from our team at Spavens on every aspect of running your Spavens Shop.

We are here to support you as your business grows. The franchise fee and monthly commission will be invested in our relationship with you so your Spavens starts strong and grows with you over time.

The Spavens Brand

The Spavens name is something we’re very proud of, every aspect of our business from the spots on the shop front and the gumball stickers on our sweets to the shirts on our backs and drawings on the wall. All this creates a truly personal, quirky, friendly environment full of colour and character providing a fantastic place to spend your working days and a memorable experience that our customers take away with them. Our brand is not just what you see, it’s is who we are and how we are with our customers, it’s the choice of products and the way we manage 15 kids on their 8th birthday and it’s the smile on peoples face when you mention our name.

How much money will you need to get going?



The equipment for the shop is not part of the franchise package but is essential for running Spavens. We have a list of equipment that you will need to help you maximise profits from your shop. We have put together price lists and sourced the best suppliers for you to either buy or rent but to hit the ground running you’ll need:

Freezer Unit for ice cream

Weighing Scales and Till

Pancake Rings and Coffee Machine

Candy Floss, Slush and Popcorn Machines

Pottery Kiln



Your stock is quite a big outlay initially because of the range of products that we sell but this is a different type of expense as the profits from these will allow you to get this investment back quite quickly. You’re monthly spend to replenish stocks will be around a quarter of this initial cost with a target 60% profit.

Craft Stocks including pots, pens, paints and sweet jars

Sweets stocks of our most popular sweets

Sweet bags, hamper baskets, stickers and packaging

Ice cream, slush, pancake ingredients, tea and coffee

Shop Fit Out


The premises you find for your Spavens will dictate how your shop will look and function but we have a list of essential items you’ll need to get up and running, of course the more room you have, the more tables and chairs you’ll need and the more money you make.

Exterior sign and Spavens spots

Window and wall character Graphics

Menu boards and signage

Tables and chairs and tablecloths

Shelving units and display areas

About You

So, what qualities will you need to run a successful business. Ours is very much a “people” business – you will be engaging with customers, young and old and working with your team to make your customer’s experience memorable and enjoyable.  It’s a busy working day, but it is enormous fun and very rewarding. You might think you need to be a bubbly and fun person, but there are roles for all personalities and skill sets within the business which we find that you and your team naturally fill and share. It does help if you like interacting with customers and kids, we get a great deal of satisfaction from the relationship we have with our customers and the smile on their face when they’re with us.

The Shopkeeper

You’ll need to run a tight ship, keeping on top of stock from various suppliers, managing the Spavens team for walk in customers and kids at parties and all with a smile on your face while you refill the pick and mix.

The Party Planner

Our tried and tested formula make our parties run smoothly but you’ll still need to ensure the kids and adults are in the right place at the right time and know what they’re doing. Make sure the cake appears at the right time and get them out of the door beaming from ear to ear on time.

The Crafty one

A big part of the business are our craft activities. We paint, decorate, fire and stick over 500 items a week, and every one of them is someones masterpiece so it’s important that you can get your hands dirty and be part of the experience.

The Manager

We tend to employ quite a few people on a full and part time basis so you’ll need to be on top of when and where people will be in the shop and be prepared to be teacher, hr consultant, confidant and parent to get the very best out of everyone that works with you.

What can I earn?

Our North Wales store generates around £50,000 net profit per year (and rising) and this figure could be higher given a busy location and a willingness to get more involved in the day-to-day running of the business.  Of course,  we must stress these figures aren’t guaranteed, but they are a good indication of performance that our own shop has proven.  A very ambitious franchisee may even double or treble these figures if they decide to open several branches in their territory.


A lot of the unique appeal of Spaven’s parties comes from the premises. They ideally need to be retail premises with a “shop front” in which you can run the sweet shop side of the business, but also with one or two other rooms suitable for hosting the parties. A converted cellar or something with character would be ideal, but we are able to create a suitable space in almost any premises by imaginative use of partitioning and screens. We’ll work with you to produce all of the signage and artwork to turn your premises into the magical world that the children love so much. In terms of size 1,500 – 2,000 square feet would be fine, but larger premises will always provide you with more flexibility and the ability to host more parties, which will in turn build you a bigger business. Parking is important as parents can easily be put off if there is nowhere nearby to park for a couple of hours, although in larger cities then good public transport access may well be a useful alternative.

The Sweet Shop

Our sweet shop is at the heart of or business, as it has been since we stopped being a newsagent all those years ago. Our range of sweets is huge, from old favourites from your youth to today’s new pretenders, liquorice from the Netherlands and candy from across the pond. This is the reason people come to Spavens, they may be having a coffee too or decorating a pot but the sweets are always there tempting them in.

Ice Cream Parlour

Our ice cream parlour gives the shop another dimension. We serve our wide range of over 18 flavours of local ice cream but also crepes with a host of fillings, teas, lattes and cappuccinos, and Sundaes. As well as being another reason to visit Spavens, the ice cream parlour is an integral part of the Spavens Party.

The Craft Area

We love seeing our customers get creative at Spavens. We have a huge range of activities for the young and old, to keep them busy or to do together. We have customers visit us to while away a few hours decorating pots to groups of kids and adults around a table having fun together. Our parties have craft at their centre but in a unique Spavens way, decorating a Spavens sweet jar to be filled with sweets in the shop.

What Next?

Simply get in Touch. We have a lot more information to give you about the franchise which explains everything in a lot more detail. Our franchise manager can answer any of your questions and give you an overview of how the franchising process works.

We’d really like you to come and visit our original store in Mold, North Wales, to see how everything works. Either come to one of our discovery days or whenever is convenient for us both and we can show you around and explain to you all of the things which go into making a successful business. You’ll see how the unique style and branding of Spaven’s adds to the overall experience within the shop, and get to see how different styles of premises can be made to work effectively. Then we’ll spend some time going through the financial models with you – it is important to understand that this meeting is all about sharing information – it is not a “sales presentation” – we need to make sure that you have all of the information to enable you to make a decision.

There will never be any pressure from us at this or any other stage – we’ve all got to make sure we can get along together and that your shop will be just as successful as ours is!

Call the shop in Mold on 01352 752695 and speak to Alan or Rhian to get the ball rolling or fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you.